Councillor Dermot Lacey

April 2006

Post Archive

  • 1916 & Tom Johnson’s Legacy (Letter to the Editor)

    Madam, – The success of the recent commemorative events is in no doubt. The important task of re-establishing the legitimacy of Irish republicanism has been furthered. However, in all the commentary about the Rising and the subsequent founding of our State one name has been shamefully omitted. That name and that man is Tom Johnson.

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  • Address to Dublin Bay Futures Conference

    It is good to be here this morning and to participate in what I know is going to be a fruitful and positive occasion. I want to thank Ciaran Cuffe for inviting me and for the huge effort he has made in broadening the debate on the future of the Bay. Given that we are…

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  • Affordable Housing Partnership (Letter to the Editor – Sunday Tribune)

    Dear Editor, The report “Affordable housing body fails to provide a single home” will sadly come as no surprise to anyone actively involved in the campaign for more social and affordable housing. In some ways, however, the report did not go far enough in outlining the impact of this “Partnership”. Under the terms of the…

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  • Andrews & Lansdowne (Letter to the Editor – Sunday Business Post)

    Dear Editor, The stated concerns of (former Councillor) Chris Andrews (letters 26th March) for the residents affected by the proposed Lansdowne Road Stadium is touching. Strange then that Mr Andrews over eighteen months, never once attended, or sought to attend, any of the meetings of the “Lansdowne Forum” established to try and deal with those…

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